Service reviews, audits and quality assurance visits.
a group of people standing next to each other

Experts by Experience Programme

Our Experts by Experience can support in a range of areas including but not limited to:


Our EbEs support with events, celebrations and ceremonies for a wide range of topics across health and social care.


Our EbEs support with the training in everything from co-production to mental health stigma and peer support.


We have a variety of Experts by Experience who can support with speaking and facilitating conferences.

Training and workshops

Our EbEs support with events, celebrations and ceremonies for a wide range of topics across health and social care.

Service reviews

Our EbEs can help review services and provide detailed and actionable reports to assist with quality improvement.

Food Quality Checking

Our team of EbEs can help services provide better quality food through providing lived experience feedback on menus and co-producing changes.

Strategic service user
involvement & co-production

We think the people using services should be at the heart of the service and every decision made that will have an impact on them.

With the assistance of our team, we work alongside organisations to give the reassurance that they are interpreting and implementing guidance correctly.

We also specialise in assisting services on how to involve service users, Experts by Experience and carers in Governance, Operational/Strategic meetings and management

  • Satisfaction evaluation and co-produced surveys.
  • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety initiatives.
  • Embedding coproduction within governance structures.
  • Other bespoke services.

Workplace investigations

We feel investigations should involve a lived experience perspective and that useful recommendations and outcomes are found through coproduction. We have a diverse bank of staff with expertise in investigations from clinical, regulatory and strategic/board level backgrounds who work alongside our Expert by Experience bank.

  • Training
  • Conferences/workshops
  • Restrictive practice reviews
a group of people standing in a room